
Naval Training

Train your units in a secluded and dynamic training environment

Our FMV Naval Test Ranges have the capacity to perform complex naval training scenarios spanning air, land and sea. Exercises can also involve live firing of ship-based weapon systems such as missiles, torpedoes, depth charges and mines.

Seize the opportunity to perform naval training and exercise scenarios that may not be possible in your home waters. Whether it’s basic weapon system training to engage incoming airborne threats or preparing a naval unit for combat operations, we offer complex and dynamic exercise scenarios

Our naval ranges enable training that engages the complete array of ship-based weapon and sensor systems including live firing and live deployment of electronic warfare systems.

Get your naval units ready for frontline operation.

Contact us today


Frigate at sea in the distance
German frigate returning from missile exercise area

Add a surprise factor to your naval training

Take full advantage of our unique Four-Dimension Battlefield, where you can simultaneously present dynamic threats in four domains: the air, surface, subsurface and in electronic warfare. Perform advanced, top-level capability and interoperability training under real-world conditions that include uncooperative threats and targets.

Find out more about the Four-Dimension Battlefield


Explore what's possible at our FMV Naval Test Ranges