
Environmental & Mechanical Tolerance

Push the boundaries with controlled environmental testing

Facing extreme climate and environmental conditions? FMV Test and Evaluation (T&E) offer safe, well-equipped facilities and controlled settings for the environmental testing and mechanical testing of equipment, components or vehicles.

Our comprehensive environmental test facilities enable you to properly test your mission-critical equipment, ensuring it’s prepared against challenging temperatures, vibrations or electromagnetic environments.

Ready to push the limits?

Contact us to plan your next project today


A yellow Volvo dumper with mist around it, in front of a building
Climate testing of Volvo dumper

Take your testing to the extreme

Environmental tolerance testing

Spacious enough for large vehicles and weight of up to 60 000kg, our 12 x 6 x 5.5m climate chamber provides the ideal controlled environment for accurate testing of:

  • Temperature tolerance – from -52°C cold up to a maximum heat of +63°C
  • Firing up to 40mm
  • Air speeds of 2-3m/s
  • Salt spray
  • Moisture
  • Fuel-fire
  • Water pressure of up to 200m depth
  • Sun exposure up to 1120W/m²

Learn more in our combat vehicle environmental testing case


Mechanical tolerance testing

Ready to shake things up? At FMV T&E, we offer comprehensive mechanical testing of:

  • Vibration – testing at frequencies from 5 to 2000Hz, over a temperature range from -54°C to +71°C
  • Shaking – acceleration of 2-3000g
  • Impact
  • Jolt – acceleration of 250g with pulse duration of 2-6 ms
  • Loose cargo – 100-300rpm up to a maximum of 900 kg
  • Maximum drop height 12m

Want to test how your vehicles handle rough terrain and obstacles?

Explore our vehicle T&E capabilities


Vehicle coming out from the mist inside the climate chamber
Climate chamber in Karlsborg

Electromagnetic environmental testing

Evaluate if your equipment complies with relevant standards in our specialised electromagnetic environmental test facilities. Our capabilities include:

  • Electromagnetic Pulse – EMP (NEMP)
  • Microwave and high-intensity radiated field (HIRF)
  • Lightning
  • Electromagnetic interference (EMI/EMC)

For aircraft T&E, explore the test systems at our Flight Test Centre


EMP simulator
EMP simulator
EMI /EMC Facility
EMI /EMC Facility

Experienced test management

At FMV T&E, we have long experience and a dedicated team ready to support your project. You can even choose to leave all the test planning to our highly qualified specialists, who will prepare a full plan and deliver all the necessary data from the tests in a detailed test report.

Find out more about what's on offer at our FMV Land Test Centres