Land Cases

Case: Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD) Verification

The mission: Full verification – from development to demonstration

When our customer was developing a ground-based air defence (GBAD) system, they had a lot to consider. Trialling a new system can be complex, and procedures need to be set in place not only for the test and evaluation (T&E) itself, but also for how to store, prepare, transport and set up the system.

Across the full development process, stepwise verification was needed. The initial stages would involve basic ejection trials and pure development firings, followed by a range of trials focusing on weapon system tuning and optimization. Once complete, end-to-end testing would be required to demonstrate the GBAD system’s full operational capability.

Not only was a large, restricted space needed suitable for live firing, but safety was also a crucial factor, with the well-being of the operator and range personnel needing to be ensured during firings.

Do you need to test your GBAD system?

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GBAD live firing
Land Ceptor GBAD live firing

The solution: Vidsel Test Range

At Vidsel, Europe’s largest overland proving ground, our customer found the expansive, unpopulated land and airspace they were looking for to safely carry out the necessary live firings, with support from FMV T&E’s experienced staff and subject matter experts.

As the GBAD system featured a two-way data link, high-performance rocket motor and 360° vertical launch system, we needed to fit the large weapon danger area within the range, as well as have the necessary radar and optical tracking systems to document the performance. We were able to provide the full range of logistic and technical support, as well as facilities and infrastructure to meet every need.

By choosing Vidsel, our customer not only had full flexibility when it came to locating the firing unit, tracking and measurement systems, they could also recover all the necessary system parts after the trial. Our high-performance target drones were ideal for simulating a realistic threat, allowing demanding scenarios to be presented and ensuring all the verification requirements could be fulfilled.

Explore what else FMV Vidsel Test Range has to offer


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Launch of an orange coloured target drone BQM167i
Launch of target drone BQM167i

The result: Successful air defence system demonstration

By providing detailed, comprehensive trial support throughout the whole development process, this latest-generation air defence system was able to be safely tested and verified, with the full documentation necessary to proceed. Finally, the full operational capability of the GBAD system was demonstrated in an end-to-end engagement sequence with live firing, ending in the successful destruction of its targets. Mission accomplished.

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Services delivered

  • Test management, logistic and subject matter expertise
  • Full safety assessments and preparations
  • Large, restricted land and airspace for safe testing and live firing
  • Recovery of missile from ground after performed firing
  • Radar and optical tracking systems
  • High-performance target drones
  • Well-documented test reports with all the required data