Land Cases

Case: Combat Vehicle Environmental & Weapon System Testing

The mission: Live firing and climate testing in one location

When our customer developed a mortar combat vehicle, they needed to perform platform level test and evaluation (T&E) as well as verify both the weapon systems and environmental tolerance of the vehicles.

To perform the T&E and verifications, the customer required a climate chamber capable of replicating extreme climate zones, while being large enough to fit the vehicles, as well as a test range where they could conduct live firing.

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Live firing from two Combat Mortar Vehicles
Combat Mortar Vehicle

Photo: Mats Carlsson, Swedish Armed Forces

The solution: Vehicle T&E at FMV Land Test Centre in Karlsborg

With a large (6 x 12 x 5.5m) climate chamber capable of testing from -52 to +63°Celsius and a firing site on location, the FMV Land Test Centre in Karlsborg was able to deliver everything the customer needed – as well as a flexible time schedule and the support of experienced specialists.

As the agency responsible for military vehicle testing for the Swedish Armed Forces, we were able to take full responsibility for the planning, execution and reporting of the trials.

Find out what else is possible at our FMV Land Test Centres


Vehicle coming out from the mist inside the climate chamber
Climate chamber in Karlsborg

The result: Verified, mission-ready vehicles

This successful verification was one of the key milestones in the project, giving the combat vehicle development the green light to proceed. This meant that the customer could deliver the vehicles to the end user, prepared and ready for operation.

Learn more about our related capabilities for the land domain: 

Environmental and mechanical tolerance testing

Vehicle test and evaluation

Land weapon systems T&E


Services delivered

  • Test management and subject matter expertise
  • Climate chamber for environmental verification
  • Live firing of vehicle weapons
  • Full test report with all the requested data