Air Cases

Case: Fighter Crew Live Weapon Training

The mission: A weapon instructor course that pushes the limits

Operating a weapon instructor course is a complex task. The training is a critical element in enabling selected fighter pilots and weapon system officers to not only practice, but to perfect the use of live weapons in a realistic setting.

Under operational conditions, fighter jets need to be able to maneuver in real time with live weapons and live ammunition. The tactical phase, which is all about maximum precision, needs to be pushed to its limits whilst in the presence of various live bombs with different capabilities. These capabilities are exactly what our customer required for the operation of their recurring course.

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Two Eurofighter aircrafts in the air over Vidsel Test Range
Training sortie over Vidsel Test Range

The solution: The ideal environment for live weapons training

At Vidsel Test Range – the largest overground test facility in Europe – our customer was able to carry out fly-ins under the assurance that the complete chain of preparations was in place. Vidsel Test Range was ideal for their needs, being able to cater for up to four fighters carrying out weapon firings on ready targets.

With long range fly-ins, air refueling, weapon release on prepared ground or air targets, and fly-back without landing, it was more like a complete realistic mission. Well-planned diplomatic processes were required, as well as the securing of an air refueling tanker, correct weather predictions and synchronizing resources – all of which could be provided at the range.

Having target drones and ground targets in-house ensured the required flexibility and scenarios were able to be changed on a daily basis. An alternative training scenario could also include stationing the aircrafts at the base for a time (days/weeks) and focusing more on intensive weapon practice.

Find out more about our advanced facilities at FMV Vidsel Test Range


Aerial photo over Point Tango ground area at Vidsel Test Range
Point Tango ground target area

The result: A recurring course delivering combat-ready crew

Electronic warfare threats and GPS jamming were provided at our Vidsel Test Range, creating surprise factors and demanding situations for the air crews.

With extensive experience performing bomb and missile firings, as well as in-house ground and air targets, we were well equipped to meet the customer’s requirements. Vidsel Test Range allowed the customer to not only host a large group of over 200 personnel, but also to handle the demand for a high production rate, with many missions, bombs and missiles on several different targets – all directed by our FMV Flight Test Leader.

The selected pilots and weapon system officers were able to not only practice, but also perfect the use of live weapons in a real-world setting, focusing on maximum precision using various live bombs with different capabilities. This allowed the airborne weapons school to verify their fighter crews in the same tactical procedures they learnt in previous phases of the course.

Explore our full range of military flight training capabilities here

Services delivered

  • Access to the Vidsel Test Range
  • A 3300 km² unpopulated restricted ground space with mixed terrain
  • Advanced urban target scenarios
  • Customised remotely controlled moving ground targets
  • Own target system: BQM167i
  • Hangar and preparation facilities
  • GPS jamming
  • Accurate documentation of bomb and missile trajectory with optical and radar systems
  • Impact registration with high-speed video