Air Cases

Case: Airliner Countermeasure Dispensing System T&E

The mission: Self-protection system verification in a Boeing 737

For any aircraft, be it a purpose-built fighter or a civilian design modified for operation in a hostile environment, self-protection systems (SPS) and countermeasure systems (CMDS) are vital. Testing and evaluation (T&E) of SPS and CMDS integration is therefore critical to secure proper function during frontline operations.

SPS and CMDS systems are moving to new types of platforms such as cargo, VIP-transport, special mission and surveillance aircrafts that are often based on civilian EASA-certified designs. One of our customers recently performed a conversion of two Boeing 737-800 civilian airliners into governmental state aircrafts. The modification package, among other things, included the installation of a SPS and CMDS system. To verify the integration the customer was searching for a one-stop-shop that could perform chaff and flare trajectory simulations and verifying flight tests.

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Aircraft in the air, ejecting flares
Ejecting flares over Vidsel Test Range

The solution: The one-stop shop at FMV T&E

FMV T&E had the knowledge and experience, as well as the necessary test range to perform the required simulations and flight trials. Together with the customer, the Boeing team and the end user’s representatives, we performed necessary trajectory simulations to secure permission to fly (PtF).

In the next step, we performed the verifying flight trails at our Vidsel Test Range. We even developed a new test system, the Universal Positioning System (UniPos) to meet the customer’s requirement for inflight quick-look evaluation of each test run.

Find out more about the facilities used in this case:

FMV Flight Test Centre

FMV Vidsel Test Range


A man behind three parallel camera obejctives
Universal Positioning System (UniPos)

The result: CMDS successfully verified for service

FMV T&E delivered at every step – from designing the simulator model, based on customer data input, through planning and preparation of the flight tests to data collection and analysis and delivering of the final test report.

In the end, based on trajectory simulations and live flight trials, we were able to demonstrate that the self-protection and CMDS fulfilled all flight safety requirements and could be released to service.

Learn more about our T&E capabilities for airborne systems and platforms

Services delivered

  • Project and test management
  • Technical subject matter expertise
  • Europe’s largest overland test range
  • Development of a new test system to enable inflight quick-look evaluation